Zapier Integration

You can connect your twise with Zapier to enable automations with thousands of other apps.

Twises currently support the following features:

  • Capturing new leads (e.g. push to a CRM)

  • Creating new twise knowledge cards (e.g. when you publish a new blog post, it can automatically be added to your Twise’s knowledge base)


You will need an API key to authenticate on your behalf on Zapier. Save your API key in a secure place as you will only see it once when generated. Generating a new API key will invalidate an existing key in case one exists.

In case you have multiple Twises, you can re-use the same API key across multiple Zaps.

You can generate an API key in your twise Settings page (Edit twise -> Integrations -> Zapier).

How to make a new Zap to capture leads

First, we connect your twise to Zapier and create the new Zap:

In the Twise app:

  1. Create a new twise.

  2. Enable lead capturing in twise settings (Edit twise -> Leads -> Setup -> ‘Capture leads’ ON -> Click ‘Save’).

  3. In ‘Edit twise -> Integrations -> Zapier’, generate a new API key (if you have not created one already). Save it for later.

In the Zapier home page:

  1. click on ‘+ Create -> New Zap’.

  2. Click on ‘1. Trigger’, and choose the ‘Twise’ app.

  3. In ‘App & Event -> Event’, choose ‘New Lead’.

  4. In ‘Account’, connect your Twise account via an API key.

  5. In ‘Trigger’, choose the twise you want to capture leads from the list.

  6. In ‘Test’, test the trigger, which should return a sample response of a captured lead.

Next, we want to connect this trigger to an action, meaning we define what happens when a twise captures a new lead. As an example action, we’ll be recording new leads to a Zapier Table:

  1. Go to the Zapier Tables page in a new tab.

  2. Create a new blank table.

Back in the new Zap page:

  1. Click on ‘2. Action’, choose ‘Zapier Tables’

  2. In ‘App & event -> Event’, choose ‘Create Record’.

  3. In ‘Action -> Table ID’, choose the newly created table.

  4. For each table field, you can choose what Lead field to populate it with (e.g. Field 1 - Email, Field 2 - Phone, etc.).

  5. In ‘Test’, you can test that sample data does indeed get added to the table.

  6. Click ‘Publish’. If the Zap activates successfully, you should see the switch go ‘On’ on top-left.

  7. Open a conversation with your twise, and write a message like ‘My email is’ If everything connected smoothly, you now should see that new lead be added to a Zapier Table.

How to make a new Zap to create twise knowledge cards

In this example, we’ll connect to a BBC News feed, so that we can create new knowledge cards whenever the BBC publishes a new story.

First, we connect your twise to Zapier and create the new Zap:

In the Twise app:

  1. Create a new twise.

  2. In ‘Edit twise -> Integrations -> Zapier’, generate a new API key (if you have not created one already). Save it for later.

In the Zapier home page:

  1. Click on ‘+ Create -> New Zap’.

  2. Click on ‘1. Trigger’, and choose ‘RSS by Zapier’.

  3. In ‘App & Event -> Event’, choose ‘New Item in Feed’.

  4. In ‘Trigger -> Feed URL’, paste the BBC news feed URL: “”.

  5. In ‘Test’, test the trigger, which should return a sample response of a BBC news story.

Next, we want to connect this trigger to an action, meaning we define what happens when BBC publishes a news story.

  1. Click on ‘2. Action’, choose the ‘Twise’ app.

  2. In ‘App & event -> Event’, choose ‘Create Knowledge Card’.

  3. In ‘Account’, connect your Twise account via an API key.

  4. In ‘Action’, choose the twise you want to create new knowledge cards in.

    • For ‘Question’, choose the ‘Title’ field from the sample feed response.

    • For ‘Answer’, choose the ‘Description’ field from the sample feed response.

  5. In ‘Test’, test the action, which should create a sample knowledge card in your twise.

In the Twise app, you can now check the newly added sample card by going to ‘Edit twise -> Content -> Knowledge’.

Now, whenever BBC publishes a news story, your twise will know about it.

Last updated