The basics of how knowledge retrieval works

Categorical Search: This traditional method uses predefined categories and keywords to find information. It's simple but limited to exact matches.

Semantic Search with Twise: When you upload your structured data (like a people or product database) into Twise, it converts this data into a question-and-answer format using advanced techniques. Semantic search understands the context and meaning behind queries, not just exact words.

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation): Twise combines finding relevant data (semantic search) with generating accurate responses. When users ask questions, Twise retrieves the most relevant information and generates precise answers.

Benefits: This makes your data more accessible and user-friendly, providing accurate and intuitive responses to user queries.

Things to Consider: Semantic search may not always find every answer within a specific category, especially if the data is sparse or not well-defined. It’s important to ensure your data is comprehensive and well-organized to maximize the effectiveness of Twise's semantic capabilities.

Last updated